Helping Isabel live authentically as a transgender woman

  • Customer story

Isabel* is a transgender woman with an intellectual disability. After her father passed away, the Public Trustee was appointed by Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) to manage her finances.

Prior to this appointment, Isabel’s family was not supportive of her desire to live as a woman. She wasn’t provided with dignity of choice, unable to use her money to help her present as a female including purchasing dresses and make up.

Upon appointment as her financial administrator, Queensland Public Trustee (QPT) created a budget catered to Isabel’s choices and lifestyle. She was allocated money to live the life she wanted.

When she expressed a desire for more financial independence, QPT supported Isabel to engage with the Financial Independence Pathway (FIP). FIP is a program within QPT that supports our customers to understand their budgets, incomes and expenses, as well as assists to transition control over their finances, for example bill paying and purchases.

Advocacy groups have also played a huge role in Isabel’s life, initially making the QCAT application to have QPT appointed as her financial administrator. QPT is always grateful to advocacy organisations who work alongside our Trust Officers to support the human rights and needs of our customers.

QPT supports Isabel to live with freedom, dignity of choice and independence where possible. QPT will continue to support Isabel to live the life she wants and put her at the centre of all decisions made on her behalf.

*Name changed for privacy